There are many MQTT clients and servers in different languages and operating systems: it is an excellent solution for connected embedded systems. And of course, there are JavaScript clients for web applications. At Openest we had the chance to use on a real life project, here are our conclusions.

In our opinion, the main strengths of MQTT are:

What is the operating principle?

MQTT allows customers to publish and/or subscribe to information. All clients communicate with a broker: a program in charge of receiving the published information and forwarding it to the subscriber clients:

MQTT, a protocol usable for small connected embedded systems
Exemple de réseau MQTT

Clients can publish or subscribe to MQTT topics, such as “/data/A”, which makes it easy to identify information. Customers can subscribe to several topics.

All the information flows through the broker. Communication between clients is never direct, which can be a disadvantage for some projects.

Why manage Quality of Service (QoS) when MQTT uses TCP?

For each topic, MQTT allows to manage the desired QoS, messages will be delivered:

TCP ensures the reliability of transmissions over the network. But MQTT also allows to manage connection losses, during a reconnection, in QoS 1 and QoS 2, the information not transmitted is retransmitted.

In QoS 1, messages are acknowledged by the receiver, if this acknowledgement does not arrive the message is forwarded:

wireshark network capture with QoS MQTT at 1 from connected embedded systems
Capture for MQTT QoS at 1

In QoS 2, the acknowledgement itself is validated to ensure that the message only arrives once:

wireshark network capture with QoS MQTT at 2 from connected embedded systems
Capture for MQTT QoS at 2

In QoS 0 on the other hand, the information is simply transmitted and validated only by TCP:

Capture wireshark network with QoS MQTT at 0 from connected embedded systems
Capture réseau QoS MQTT à 0

Using MQTT for a connected embedded systems on Linux

There are many MQTT clients and brokers. And making a choice is not easy. Wikipedia presents the features implemented by these software, it is a good starting point.

In our case, we were looking for a library that could be used in a C program embedded in Linux. As well as a broker running on an embedded device also running on Linux. The objective is to transmit information flows divided into packets of 1/10 of a second on about ten topics.

A great tool for connected embedded systems but be carefull

MQTT is an excellent solution for connected embedded systems and its adoption is expected to increase in the future. In the context of software written in C language, it greatly simplifies network management, especially connection/reconnexion cases.

Nevertheless, we should always use it with security in mind. MQTT main weakness is its main strength: allowing devices to communicate with each other. If an attacker can establish communication with a broker, it can access all data from all devices this can be catastrophic. So you need to design well secured embedded systems.

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